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  • Roots that Go Deep: 45:03 minutes
    “Roots that Go Deep” shares the story of a family as they face the challenges of starting four young wild mares, passing the traditions on to a younger generation as they travel the trails in Willmore Wilderness Park. 2020 Awards: Roots that Go Deep was nominated for two 2020 Alberta Film and Television Rosie Awards. These include Best Musical Score (non-fiction over 30 minutes) and Best Cinematography.
  • Through the Mist of Time: 44:50 minutes Join Bazil Leonard as he learns of discoveries from archaeological digs, dinosaur trackways, old native grave sites—to a riveting untold story of the biggest manhunt in the annals of the Northwest Mounted Polices’ history. “Through the Mists of Time” reveals the intriguing history of Alberta’s eastern slopes.
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